How To Inspect Element On iPhone?

Have you ever marveled at the intricate workings of websites or wondered how developers weave their magic on the digital screen? The key often lies in a powerful tool called Inspect Element. 

While the process may seem elusive on iPhones, fear not, as this comprehensive guide will unravel everything you need to know about Inspect Element on your iPhone.

1. Using Safari Developer Tools (Requires a Mac)

To delve into in-depth analysis, the first method involves pairing your iPhone with a Mac:

Enable Web Inspector on your iPhone

  • Open Settings and tap Safari.
  • Navigate to Advanced and toggle on Web Inspector.

Connect your iPhone to your Mac

  • Use a USB cable and ensure both devices are recognized.

Launch Safari’s Developer Tools on your Mac

  • Open Safari and click Safari in the menu bar.
  • Select Preferences and go to the Advanced tab.
  • Check the box for Show Develop menu in the menu bar.

Inspecting the Elements

  • In the Develop menu, hover over your connected iPhone device.
  • Select the web page you want to inspect.
  • The Web Inspector window will open, displaying the website’s elements.

2. Using Safari Extensions (Directly on your iPhone)

For on-the-go access with limited functionality:

Download an Inspect Element extension from the App Store

  • Popular options include “Remote Web Inspector” and “Inspect JS.”

Open the extension within Safari

  • Navigate to the webpage you want to inspect.
  • Tap the extension icon or use a long press on the desired element.
  • The extension will display the element’s details and offer basic manipulation tools.

3. Wielding the Inspect Element Weapon

Now that the treasure chest is open, let’s explore what’s inside:

Examining Elements

  • Click on different elements in the inspector window to view their properties like HTML code, styles, and DOM structure.

Understanding the Page

  • Analyze the website’s layout, identify classes and IDs, and diagnose potential styling issues.

Testing and Tweaking

  • Play around with styles and properties to see how they affect the webpage’s appearance. This is particularly useful for web developers to test responsiveness and design changes.

Remember: Changes made through Inspect Element only exist in your browser window and don’t permanently alter the actual website.

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4. Beyond the Basics

Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals, dive deeper into the inspector’s features:

Network Tab

  • Monitor website traffic and analyze data requests and responses.

Console Tab

  • Test JavaScript code snippets and debug code errors.

Timeline Tab

  • Analyze page performance and identify bottlenecks.

5. Tips for iPhone Inspect Element Newbies

Start with familiar websites

  • Practice on webpages you know well to understand how inspecting elements affects the layout.

Don’t be afraid to experiment

  • Play around with the tools and learn through trial and error.

Consult online resources

  • Numerous tutorials and guides are available to help you master specific features.

Inspect Element, Unleashed

By unlocking the Inspect Element magic, you’ve gained a valuable tool for understanding how websites work. Whether you’re a curious web enthusiast, a budding developer, or a designer seeking inspiration, this knowledge opens doors to deeper exploration and experimentation.

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Bonus Tip

Did you know that Inspect Element on iPhones can also be used to temporarily change page text (for fun, not hacking!)? Give it a try and witness the magic unfold!


Remember, this guide is just the beginning. As you delve deeper into the world of Inspect Element, the possibilities are endless. Keep exploring, keep learning, and keep demystifying the digital world around you!

Author Danish Khan

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Greetings, readers! I am Danish Khan, the author behind DY Exotic. I want to take a moment to clarify the nature of the content you’ll find on this platform.
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Best regards,
Danish Khan
Author, DY Exotic

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