How To Dial Extension On iPhone

Ever found yourself lost in the labyrinth of automated phone systems, desperately trying to reach the right person at a large organization? If you’ve ever felt the frustration of navigating through robotic instructions, you’re not alone. But fear not! I’ve discovered a simple trick using the iPhone that can help you bypass those automated mazes and connect directly with your desired contact. In this guide, I’ll share my personal experience and two foolproof methods to dial extensions effortlessly.

2 Methods To Dial Extension On iPhone

Method 1: The Magic of the Comma

  • Open the Phone app: The journey begins with a simple step – open the Phone app on your iPhone. It’s the gateway to escaping phone-menu limbo.
  • Dial the main number: Enter the complete phone number of the organization without worrying about the extension at this point.
  • Tap and hold the asterisk (*): Here’s where the magic happens. Hold down the asterisk key until you see a comma appear next to the number. This small action is the key to unlocking the secret sauce.
  • Enter the extension number: It’s time to unleash your inner ninja. Type in the extension digits that will seamlessly take you straight to your desired contact.
  • Hit the call button: Boom! By following these steps, you’ve successfully bypassed the automated prompts, sending your call directly to the extension you need.

Method 2: The Pause Power of the Hash

  • Follow steps 1 and 2: Begin by dialing the main number just as you did in Method 1.
  • Tap the hash key (#): Unlike the comma method, this time, you’re not holding anything down. A quick tap inserts a “wait” command.
  • Enter the extension number: Similar to the previous method, type in the extension digits after the magic pause.
  • Hit the call button: And just like that, you’re on your way to extension land!

Choosing the Right Method for You

Both options achieve the same goal, so it boils down to personal preference. Some find the comma method more intuitive, while others prefer the visual reminder of the “wait” symbol provided by the hash. My advice? Try both and see which one feels more natural for your calling style.

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Bonus Tip: Save the Contact with the Extension

Worried about forgetting the comma trick in the heat of the moment? Fear not! Save the contact with the extension embedded in the number. In the Contacts app, enter the main number, tap “Add Phone,” and type the comma followed by the extension number. Now, with a single tap on the contact name, you can skip the phone menu altogether.


Armed with the knowledge of the comma and the hash, you’re now equipped to conquer phone menus. Say goodbye to the frustration of robotic prompts and connect directly with the people you need to reach. Remember, the comma and the hash are your allies in the fight against automated phone systems. Use them wisely, and may your calls always be answered promptly and directly!


How can I dial an extension on my iPhone?

You can use the comma method by holding down the asterisk key and entering the extension, or try the hash method with a quick tap before entering the extension.

Is there a visual reminder for dialing extensions on iPhone?

Yes, you can save contacts with extensions in the Contacts app by adding a comma or using the hash symbol for a seamless experience.

Can I use both methods interchangeably?

Absolutely, both the comma and hash methods achieve the same goal, so choose the one that feels more natural or suits your calling style.

Is there a way to skip automated phone prompts entirely?

Yes, by following either the comma or hash method, you can bypass automated prompts and connect directly to the desired extension.

Will these methods work for any organization or office?

Yes, whether you’re calling a large organization or a small office, the comma and hash methods are versatile and effective for dialing extensions on your iPhone.

Author Danish Khan

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Greetings, readers! I am Danish Khan, the author behind DY Exotic. I want to take a moment to clarify the nature of the content you’ll find on this platform.
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Best regards,
Danish Khan
Author, DY Exotic

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